AAI will host its 22nd annual policy conference on June 15 and 16, 2021. The two-day, virtual conference, Competition Enforcement in the International Arena, will highlight new perspectives around ongoing and emerging international competition enforcement and policy concerns.
The day before the conference (Monday, June 14), all registrants were emailed a Zoom* link from aai@antitrustinstitute.org.
Click on the link in the email, enter your name and email address, and you will be provided a link to attend the conference.
If you did not get an email with a link, please check your spam and, if needed, email sfrey@antitrustinstitute.org.
*Please make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Zoom.
This conference is approved by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board for 4.5 CLE credit hours. Conference attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance. If you are a Pennsylvania attorney, apply for CLE credits here after the roundtable. Please read about AAI’s CLE procedures here.