The outcome of the proposed Monsanto-Bayer merger in the U.S., Europe, and other competition jurisdictions will indelibly shape the future of competition in the agricultural biotechnology industry. AAI has advocated for vigorous antitrust enforcement in this sector for over a decade. Below is a selected compendium of AAI’s economic, legal, institutional, and policy analysis on mergers and other antitrust issues in agricultural biotechnology. They range across all areas of antitrust enforcement — mergers, exclusionary conduct, and agreements. This body of work highlights, among other key issues, the plight of farmers and consumers; innovation and the strong linkage between competition and intellectual property law; food security, and the competitive importance of farming data.
AAI Says Government Remedy in Monsanto-Bayer Merger Raises Significant “Execution Risk”
Moss on Mergers, Innovation, and Agricultural Biotechnology for Truth on the Market
Competition, Intellectual Property, and Transgenic Seed in a Possible Monsanto-Syngenta Deal
American Antitrust Institute Releases Addendum to White Paper on Transgenic Seed