A summary of proceedings from AAI’s 14th Annual Energy Roundtable is now available. The report, prepared by AAI’s Special Counsel Sandeep Vaheesan, summarizes the proceedings and accompanying roundtable dialogue. The American Antitrust Institute held its 14th Annual Energy Roundtable on May 6, 2014 at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) in Arlington, Virginia. The AAI’s Annual Energy Roundtable seeks to bring together various stakeholders to discuss current competition policy issues in electricity markets, particularly the intersection between antitrust and regulation. This year’s Roundtable focused on the shifting economic and regulatory landscape and how it could unleash significant changes in the generation sector. Such changes will shape investment decisions by investor-owned utilities, municipal and cooperative utilities, merchant generators, and others and ultimately affect how power is produced and at what cost. More than 40 individuals from academia, advocacy, consulting, government, industry, and trade associations participated in the Roundtable. AAI Vice President Diana Moss presided over the discussion. Panelists and audience contributors are, by agreement, not identified in the summary.