Amedeo Arena is Associate Professor of European Union Law at the University of Naples “Federico II” where he teaches EU Law and EU Competition Law, and sits on the faculty of the University of Denver Sturm College of Law‘s International Program, where he teaches US & EU Antitrust Law.
Professor Arena holds a JSD from the University of Naples Federico II as well as LLM degrees from King’s College London and New York University, where he was also a Fulbright Fellow. He was Visiting Academic at Oxford IECL and Harvard Law School; Visiting Researcher at UC Berkeley Law and U Tokyo Faculty of Law; Visiting Professor at Leiden Law School and Riga Graduate School of Law; Invited Speaker, inter alia, at Cambridge, Chicago, Columbia, Yale, and Stanford Law School, as well as at the College of Europe (Bruges) and at the European University Institute (Florence).
Professor Arena published extensively on competition and regulatory matters, including a research monograph on the regulation of services of general interest (2011), a handbook on Italian Media Law (2014), and an edited book on EU competition law at its 60-year mark (2016). He authored over 40 articles published in edited books and peer-reviewed journals, such as the European Competition Journal, the Market and Competition Law Review, and the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law.
He coauthored a book chapter with Eleanor Fox and his publications have been cited by an Advocate General of the EU Court of Justice (Case C-129/19 and Case C‑2/18), the Court of Appeal of England and Wales (Micula v Romania), the OECD Global Forum on Competition (GF(2019)11), the WTO Economic Research and Statistics Division (WP 2018-12), and leading antitrust scholars, such as Herbert Hovenkamp, William Kovacic, and Spencer Waller.
Professor Arena served as one of the lead researchers in the GAL Project on Competition Law Enforcement and Governance (New York University and the University of Toronto), as well as rapporteur to the New York City Bar Association European Affairs Committee on recent developments in the area of State aids. He sits on the Advisory Board of the Portuguese Observatory for the Application of Competition Law, the Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, the European Competition Journal, and the Market and Competition Law Review.
Professor Arena is an Italian qualified lawyer admitted to practice before the country’s highest jurisdictions. He has assisted clients in domestic and multi-jurisdictional M&A transactions. He has provided legal expertise on competition and regulatory matters to corporate clients and law firms, as well as to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency, the European Audiovisual Observatory of the Council of Europe, and the Supreme Court of Korea.