On January 6, AAI President Diana Moss joined the American Medical Association’s annual State Legislative Strategy Conference in Florida to moderate the panel “Challenges of and Remedies for a Rapidly Consolidating Healthcare Marketplace.”
The panelists were Rich Feinstein of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP and Joel Ario of Manatt Solutions. The panel examined consolidation in key parts of the healthcare supply chain, particularly health insurers, with a focus on the importance of input from physicians and medical associations in antitrust and regulatory reviews.
More than 200 physician leaders and medical society staff attend the State Legislative Strategy Conference which allows participants to share their organizations’ state legislative and regulatory priorities, concerns, strategies, and tactics with advocacy leaders from other medical societies. Conference content focuses on key health care issues that states will likely address in the coming legislative sessions, such as state health system reform, Medicaid, private payer reform, medical liability reform and scope of practice. More information is available here. More information about the AAI’s work to address healthcare consolidation is available here.