Law360 highlighted AAI’s Report The Critical Role of Private Antitrust Enforcement in the United States in Coverage of ATMs Fees Case in its coverage of the settlement and legal fees in the bank ATM fees price fixing case.
The article, ATM Antitrust Plaintiff Law Firms Seek $20M In Legal Fees notes that: “In pressing for the award, the law firms cited an analysis of a 2020 report on private antitrust enforcement by the American Antitrust Institute and the University of San Francisco that found the median fee awarded for antitrust class settlements between $50 million and $99 million was 30% of the award. The case against the banks was settled for $66.74 million.”
The case reference is: Plaintiffs’ Motion for Award of Attorneys’ Fees, Reimbursement of Litigation Expenses, and Service Award for Class Representatives, Mackmin et al. v. Visa Inc., No. 1:11-cv-01831 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 26, 2022).