On Wednesday, October 2, 2019, the American Antitrust Institute will host a competition roundtable “Stemming the Tide of Anti-Competitive Harm in Pharmaceuticals” at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
The roundtable will take up competition enforcement and policy issues involving the pharmaceutical industry, their major impact on the healthcare system and on consumers, and policy prescriptions for improving competition. Experts in antitrust and regulation from government, industry, advocacy, and academia will frame major competitive issues through the lens of different stakeholder and enforcement perspectives.
The half-day program will feature a legislative briefing and two panels followed by a roundtable discussion. The legislative briefing will weave together the various pieces of proposed legislation introduced in the 116th Congress involving drug pricing and practices that block market entry and slow innovation. The first panel will examine the burgeoning set of practices and strategies deployed by both branded and generic drug companies that stifle competition and raise prices to consumers. The second panel will feature multidisciplinary perspectives to framing responses to stemming the tide of anticompetitive harm in pharmaceuticals, arguably a crisis of epic proportions in our economy. The day will close with a roundtable session that gives participants the opportunity to react to and candidly discuss themes, issues, and policy recommendations for competition enforcement.