Russell Lamb is an expert in antitrust economics and has testified concerning antitrust liability, impact, and damages. He has an extensive background in applied econometrics and has developed econometric models to measure damages in a number of matters involving allegations of horizontal price fixing. He has provided expert testimony in State and Federal Courts in the United States and in Canada on a range of issues, including class-certification and economic damages in antitrust, RICO, and consumer fraud matters. In addition, he has provided expert advice to client attorneys at all levels of the litigation. Dr. Lamb has an extensive background in the analysis of domestic and international agricultural markets, and has authored more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed economics journals, trade press, and major newspapers. Dr. Lamb’s work has been cited by courts in certifying classes in the United States and Canada. For example, in In re Aftermarket Automotive Lighting Products Antitrust Litigation, the court held that his analysis provided “a sufficient basis from which to conclude that Plaintiffs would adduce common proof concerning the effect of Defendants’ alleged price-fixing conspiracy on prices class members paid.” In certifying the class in In re: Titanium Dioxide Antitrust Litigation, the court said, “This Court finds that Dr. Lamb’s regression analysis accurately reflects the characteristics of the titanium dioxide industry, and the facts in this case.” In the Canadian LCD Competition Act Class Action, the court held that Dr. Lamb’s analysis provided “evidence of a viable methodology for the determination of loss on a class-wide basis.” In In re: Puerto Rican Cabotage Litigation, the court held that “Dr. Lamb [had] set forth a reputable and workable model for determining damages as to individual class members.” In certifying the class in Clarke and Rebecca Wixon, et al. v. Wyndham Resort Development Corp., et al., the court held that “Dr. Lamb [had] presented a plausible class-wide method of proof.” In certifying the class in Eugene Allan, et al., v. Realcomp II, Ltd., et al., the court held that “the Plaintiffs have produced sufficient evidence that common proofs will yield a finding of class-wide damages that predominates over any specific individualized damages. The Lamb Report and Lamb Reply are sufficient to establish this fact.”