Delia Patterson is Senior Director, Regulatory Policy and Compliance, Salt River Project (SRP). Ms. Patterson oversees SRP’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation, and Environmental, Safety and Health compliance; Arizona Corporation Commission regulatory efforts; and SRP’s corporate political action committee known as PIC (Political Involvement Committee).
Prior to her work at SRP, Ms. Patterson was SVP, Advocacy & Communications and General Counsel, American Public Power Association (APPA). At APPA, Ms. Patterson oversaw the regulatory, government relations, and communications teams. She led energy policy formulation and advocated before the FERC, federal courts, and other energy policy forums. She also served as the organization’s chief legal officer. Prior to her work at APPA, Ms. Patterson was an Associate and Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP.
Ms. Patterson held the rank of Lieutenant in the United States Navy, serving six years within the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program before being honorably discharged. She is a member of the U.S. DOE Electricity Advisory Committee; on the Advisory Board of E Source; Board President (2022-2023) of the Energy Bar Association; Board Member, Women’s Energy Resource Council; Member of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Future Electric Utility Regulation Advisory Group; and Member of The Electricity Journal Advisory Board, among others.
Ms. Patterson has a J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, a M.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, and a B.S. from the United States Naval Academy.