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AAI Participating Event
AAI Participating Event
AAI’s Diana Moss and Randy Stutz discussed The State of Antitrust Enforcement and Competition Policy report on the ABA Antitrust Section’s Our Curious Amalgam (OCA) podcast on May 11, 2020. The podcast #49 How Are They Doing? Assessing the State of Competition Law Enforcement by the U.S. Antitrust Agencies is hosted by John Roberti and Anora Wang. OCA describes the podcast below:
In our democracy, it is critical for the government to be held accountable for how it performs its mission. Has enforcement by the U.S. antitrust agencies diminished and how has that impacted competition? Diana Moss and Randy M. Stutz, AAI’s Vice President of the American Antitrust Institute join John Roberti and Anora Wang, for a discussion of AAI’s report assessing the state of the antitrust enforcement, in the context of current competitive conditions. Listen to this episode to learn more about the state of competition law enforcement from the perspective of a pro-enforcement organization.
Promoting competition that protects consumers, businesses, and society is more important than ever. Through our research, education, and advocacy programs, AAI has been active in focusing public and private competition enforcement priorities and shaping progressive competition policy. The only way for AAI to fulfill its mission is through your support.
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