On Tuesday, July 26, 2022, Diana Moss joined a webinar panel discussion hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center. The panel discussion, What Big Tech’s Online Practices Mean for Competition Policy is described on BPC website as: “Congress is busy debating legislation around big tech and competition policy, with big tech’s online practices, like self-preferencing, sideloading restrictions, and data usage, being a continued area of special interest. The debates focus on the effects of these practices on market competition, but also other goals, such as protecting privacy and security. It also includes questions about whether existing law can adequately address potential concerns many have.” In her remarks, Moss highlighted the importance of a coordinated public policy approach to reining in market power in the digital technology sector. Such an approach: (1) features stronger antitrust enforcement and a dedicated sector regulator to set the “rules of the road” for non-discriminatory access to digital platforms and (2) will consider both existing and up-and-coming powerful players.
John Soroushian, Senior Associate Director, BPC moderated the discussion and panelists included: Alden Abbott, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center; Ashley Baker, Director of Public Policy, Committee for Justice; Bill Baer, Visiting Fellow – Governance Studies, Brookings Institution; and Diana Moss, President, American Antitrust Institute.DI
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