Diana Moss is joining healthcare competition experts at the American Medical Association’s 2023 State Advocacy Summit on Friday, January 13, to explore antitrust enforcement and competition policy in healthcare. The panel, moderated by Henry Allen, also features AAI Advisors Tom Greaney and Barak Richman. The panel aims to answer the question: “Competition and Antitrust Policy: What’s Going On?” Here’s how summit organizers describe it:
“The waves of health care integration have mostly failed. Cities like Pittsburgh, Boston, and San Francisco are controlled by just one or two dominant multihospital systems. These systems drive up health care costs and marginalize physicians who want to remain independent. What can be done about this? Is the physician union a promising response to tensions within large hospital systems? Seventy-five percent of MSA health insurance markets are highly concentrated. Typically, health insurers face little competition when purchasing the services of physicians. How can antitrust better protect physicians? In this session, leading experts on competition policy and antitrust in health care will offer their thoughts on the questions above and provide recommendations for competition and health care management policy.”
Chester A. Myers Professor of Law and Co-Director
Edgar P. & Elizabeth C. Bartlett Professor of Law and Business Administration
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