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The American Antitrust Institute is hosting an online symposium addressing issues surrounding Technology and Market Definition.
Technology has worked enormous changes on almost every facet of our lives, markets, and economy. With this online symposium on Technology and Market Definition, AAI has asked contributors to use the lens of market definition to seize a fresh and fruitful perspective on the intersection of technology and antitrust. The symposium takes up two fundamental questions: (1) How do the dimensions of markets evolve with technological change? and (2) What are the practical implications of developments in technology for antitrust enforcement.
As a growing number of more recent antitrust cases make clear, technological change can affect virtually all aspects of antitrust analysis, ranging from market definition, to competitive effects, and efficiencies claims. AAI’s symposium contributors bring deep and multifaceted collective experience to this debate. They represent public and private antitrust enforcers, policymakers, and experts in technology and in industries featuring markets that have been upended by technology.
The first part of the online symposium is a pair of pieces from a team of enforcers from the state Attorneys General and John Newman, a leading academic voice on antitrust and technology and former federal enforcer. These pieces contemplate the evolving reverberations of the Supreme Court’s decision in Ohio v. American Express and its implications for the role of market definition.
- Redefining Digital Market Definition by John M. Newman
- Market Definition in the Digital Economy: Considerations for How to Properly Identify Relevant Markets by Sarah Oxenham Allen, Brian Christensen, Joseph Conrad, Nicholas Grimmer, and Jennifer Pratt
The second part of the online symposium features a pair of pieces from leading antitrust practitioner, Jennifer Hackett, and former Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the DOJ Antitrust Division, Roger Alford. These pieces explore the practical implications of evolving markets for antitrust, using the marketplace for books and the strategic aspects of litigation as focal points.
- Amazon and the Independent Bookseller: A New Look at Market Definition? by Jennifer Duncan Hackett
- How to Approach Market Definition after Ohio v. American Express by Roger Alford
The third part of the online symposium features a pair of pieces from a key player in the technology industry, Rob Mahini, Senior Competition Counsel at Google, and a leading antitrust practitioner and former federal enforcer, Allen Grunes. These pieces discuss market definition in the technology sector, providing contrasting yet parallel perspectives from within a key domestic technology company and from a collection of global thinkers.