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Outside AAI Speaking Engagements
Outside AAI Speaking Engagements
On February 28, 2020 AAI’s Diana Moss joined other experts at the NYU conference Antitrust and 21st Century Bigness: Dealing with Tech Platforms in a Globalized World. The all-day event featured four panels and a keynote address from Paul Romer, co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Price in Economics. Moss shared AAI insight into public policy approaches to declining competition and the role of legislative antitrust reform.
Panel 4: Legislative Reform: What Changes for Antitrust Law and Institutions?
If competition laws need to be updated to address anticompetitive conduct by Big Tech firms, what legislative and/or regulatory changes are desirable? What institutional arrangements should be made to encompass antitrust, consumer protection, and data/privacy protection?
Diana MOSS | President, American Antitrust Institute
Thomas PHILIPPON | Professor, NYU Stern School of Business
Joseph STIGLITZ | Professor, Columbia University
Koren WONG-ERVIN | Director of Antitrust Policy & Litigation, Qualcomm Incorporated
Luigi ZINGALES | Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Moderator: Scott HEMPHILL | Professor, NYU School of Law
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