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The AAI marks its 11th annual Roundtable by gathering experts in antitrust and regulation from government, industry, academia, and advocacy to discuss major competition policy issues involving electricity and energy. The roundtable will examine the role of market interventions in moving the U.S. electricity industry to a lower-carbon, more efficient sector, with a focus on wholesale market competition and benefits to consumers. Fuel subsidies, demand-side resource mandates, locational capacity requirements, and renewable and efficiency portfolio standards are methods of modifying the electricity supply portfolio to achieve current energy and electricity policy goals. But market interventions can also create barriers to entry and distort price signals that create inefficiency and opportunities for the exercise of market power. The day will start with an overview of the increasingly complex picture surrounding state and federal external market interventions. We will then explore their major competitive implications for electricity markets, including effects on prices, entry, changes in resource allocation, transmission planning and expansion, and strategic competitive behavior.
The AAI thanks the sponsors of this event:
· American Public Power Association
· National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Diana Moss, Vice President and Director, American Antitrust Institute
MORNING PANEL: Assessing the Array of Subsidies, Mandates and Requirements that Affect Electricity Markets: What is the State of Play?
Dr. Karen Palmer
Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future
Robert Gramlich
Senior Vice President, Public Policy, American Wind Energy Association
Dr. John Anderson
President and CEO, Electricity Consumers Resource Council
Johannes Pfeifenberger, Principal, The Brattle Group
AFTERNOON PANEL: Assessing the Implications for Wholesale Competition: What is the Best Balancing Approach?
Jay Morrison
Senior Regulatory Counsel, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Jed M. Nosal
Chief, Office of Ratepayer Advocacy, Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office
Dr. Paul Sotkiewicz
Senior Economist, PJM Interconnection