The AAI held its 10th Annual Energy Roundtable on March 2, 2010 at the headquarters of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) in Arlington, Virginia. The AAI greatly appreciates the generous assistance and sponsorship of both NRECA and the American Public Power Association in making the Roundtable possible. More than 40 people from government, academia, consulting groups, consumer advocacy groups, trade associations and industry participated in the Roundtable and engaged in a lively exchange of ideas and perspectives. AAI Vice President Diana Moss developed the agenda and presided over the discussion. The proceedings themselves were off the record and not transcribed. This report briefly summarizes the presentations and accompanying discussion.
The purpose of the AAI’s Annual Energy Roundtable is to bring together various stakeholders and perspectives to discuss issues relating to competition and regulation in electricity markets. This year’s Roundtable focused primarily on emerging competitive issues in markets that are complementary to electricity (e.g., carbon emissions markets, Smart Grid technologies), their implications for the electric power industry, and how the roles of regulation and antitrust are potentially affected.
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