The American Antitrust Institute’s 2022 Antitrust Enforcement Awards will recognize achievements in antitrust litigation by legal practitioners and economists. Both third-party and self-nominations are accepted. Entrants can submit multiple cases or matters. Anonymous nominations will not be accepted. There is no submission fee. To enter, please complete entry form below no later than July 29, 2022.
Nominations must be certified and signed by an attorney or economist (“practitioner”) who is familiar with the case. If a marketing, public relations, or other consultant participates in preparing the nomination form, the certifying practitioner who signs the form avers that he or she has carefully reviewed the nomination for accuracy and completeness. All nominations must include a complete list of the team members, including individuals and their firms who worked on the case and deserve to be recognized. In its discretion, and/or in the interests of fairness, the Judging Committee may supplement or combine multiple, overlapping nominations, but it is not responsible for conducting research into nomination forms or adding firms or individuals not listed on any nomination. Nominees are strongly encouraged to scrupulously avoid excluding deserving individuals or firms from a nomination.
Please email any supplemental materials to